Sperm Whale

Physical Description

  • The sperm whale’s unique body is unlikely to be confused with any other species.

  • They have  distinctive shape comes from its very large, block-shaped head, which can be one-quarter to one-third of the animal’s length.

  • The  S shaped blowhole  is located very close to the front of the head and shifted to the whale’s left.

  • This gives rise to a distinctive bushy, forward-angled spray.

  • The sperm whale’s flukes  are triangular and very thick.

  • They are the largest toothed whales and can swim the deepest of all the whales

General Characteristics 

Head to body length :

 Males:  50-60 feet ( 17-20 meters)

Females : 33-40 feet ( 11-13 meters )

Fin length

They have a small flipper

Fluke: 16 feet ( 5 meters )

Range : Arctic, Atlantic , pacific and Indian oceans

Habitat: Open Ocean, tropical and cool waters

Diet.  :   Giant squid, fish, and octopus and skate

Status:  There used to be 200,000. Now the population is decreasing

Reason for status: over hunting

Gestation:  16 months

Longevity: 70 years

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