Asiatic Lion


Length  : Male :  10 feet

Female : 8 feet

Weight : Male : 330 lbs / Female : 250 lbs


Lions are large cats with short, orange coats, white underparts, and long tails with a black tuft at the end

.They vary in color and size

Lions are the only cats with manes.

Range– Asiatic Lions extend from Southwest Asia to eastern India and also are in Northwest India Too.

Habitat – They live in certain area called Gir National Park, forest, and lion Sanctuary.

Diet – It eats antelopes, gazelles, wildebeests, and zebra’s.

Status – Today only about 300 Asiatic lions are found in the wild and only in India. 

Reason for this status – Hunting and habitat destruction. 

Asiatic Lion – London Zoo Asiatic Lioness – London Zoo

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