Physical Description
   These lemurs have gray or rosy brown backs with lighter gray or brown hind legs and white stomachs.
    Their faces are also white with triangular black markings around their eyes and black noses
In fact, the species gets its common name from the ringed pattern of the fur on the tail.
General Characteristics
Length :Â Â 385-455 mm ( 15 to 18 in )
Weight :  2.30 to 3.50 kg (5.06 to 7.7 lbs )
Tail Length : 2 ft ( 61 cm )
Range – Southern and Southwestern Madagascar with a additional population on the southeastern plateau of Andringeta Mountains
Habitat –Lemurs prefer Euphorbia bush habitat, but they also live in many other types of forests in Madagascar.
 Diet – plants, fruits, flowers, bark, stems and other plant fluids
What type of animal : herbivore
Status – 80% of their habitat is destroyed
Reason for the status – habitat loss and overgrazing
Gestation Period – 4 – 4.50 months
Lifespan – 33 years