

Physical Description

  • Chimpanzees are almost covered in black hair, rather than fur, and may have whiskers on their chin.

  • Their faces and ears as well as the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet are bare skin which can vary in colour between pink and black.

  • Young ones have very pale skin and a white tail tuft, which disappears by early adulthood.

General Characteristics

Length :   about 3 feet ( 0.9 m )

Weight :  Male  90 – 120 lbs ( 40 -55 kg ) / female 70 – 100 lbs ( 32 to 45 kg )

Tail  Length : none

Range – Guinea and Sierra Leone east to Uganda, West Tanzania and North of Congo River

Habitat – Tropical rainforest , woodlands, swamp forest, and grasslands in Western Africa

Diet  They search for food in the forests during the day, eating leaves, fruit, seeds, tree bark, plant bulbs, tender plant shoots, and flowers. They also eat termites, ants, and small animals

What type of animal : Chimpanzees are omnivores (eating plants and meat)

Status Number of chimpanzee population have steadily reduced since 1960. There used to be 1 million now there is 150,000 to 235,000 only

Reason for the status – Loss of Habitat, Illegal Capture, and Hunting for Bush meat

Gestation Period – 8 months

Lifespan 50 yrs


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