Physical Description

  • Legs of American alligators are short, the front legs have five toes while the back legs have only four.

  • The snout of this alligator species is also distinct, being significantly broader for those in captive.

  • The large fourth tooth in the lower jaw fits into a socket in the upper jaw and is not visible when the mouth is closed.

  • Both males and females have an “armored” body with a muscular flat tail, The skin on their back is armored with embedded bony plates called osteoderms or scutes.

  •  Adult males and females have an olive brown or black color with a creamy white underside.

  • The young can be distinguished from adults because they have bright yellow stripes on their tails.

  •  Eye color of American alligators is generally silverish in color

General Characteristics

Length : Male –  3.4 m ( 11.2 ft ) / Females : 2.5 – 3.0 meters ( 8.2 – 9.8 ft )

Weight : 360 kg ( 800 lbs )

Range : Virginia-North Carolina border, Atlantic coast to Florida and along the Gulf of Mexico as far west as the Rio Grande in Texas

Habitat : freshwater swamps, marshes, rivers, lakes, and occasionally, smaller bodies of water.

Diet : Invertebrates, fish, birds, turtles, snakes, amphibians and mammals.

Status : Threatened

Reason on for the status : Even though they are threatened, we have to be concerned about them

Incubation Period : 58 -63

Lifespan : 35-50 years – Wild / 65 to 80 years – captivity

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         AMERICAN ALLIGATOR AT GATORLAND

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